Op soek na veelsydige en kragtige ventilasie -oplossings? Ons lugblasers bied ongeëwenaarde lugvloeibeheer vir enige omgewing. Ons blasers is geskik vir industriële, kommersiële en residensiële instellings, en is sterk, duursaam en is ontwerp vir stil werking. Kies uit 'n reeks draagbare en aksiale blasers om aan u spesifieke ventilasiebehoeftes te voldoen. Ons kundige span is hier om wenke vir leiding en optimalisering te gee, om te verseker dat u HVAC -stelsels en ventilasieprosesse glad en doeltreffend verloop. Kies ons lugblasers vir betroubare, energiedoeltreffende en aanpasbare ventilasie-oplossings wat aan u unieke vereistes voldoen.
Die DSX-155 (DSX-155H176N4P1A-1) sentrifugale waaier is 'n hoëprestasie-lugbewegingstoestel wat aangepas is vir veeleisende industriële en kommersiële toepassings. Met sy robuuste ontwerp en gevorderde funksies, verseker hierdie waaier doeltreffende lugsirkulasie en temperatuurregulering, wat dit ideaal maak vir 'n wye verskeidenheid ventilasie- en verkoelingsbehoeftes.
Die DSX-160H Double Outlet-waaier is 'n veelsydige en ruimte-effektiewe ventilasie-oplossing wat ontwerp is vir 'n wye verskeidenheid suiwering en ventilasiebehoeftes. Met sy indrukwekkende lugvloeivermoë en minimale ruimtevereistes, word hierdie aanhanger naatloos in verskillende stelsels geïntegreer, wat dit 'n ideale keuse maak vir 'n menigte toepassings.
Die bekendstelling van die Deshengxin EC143 EC-sentrifugale waaier, 'n ventilasie-oplossing met 'n hoë werkverrigting wat ontwerp is vir verskillende industriële en kommersiële toepassings. Hierdie waaier het 'n gevorderde sentrifugale ontwerp, presisie-verwerkte lemme en 'n robuuste omhulsel van materiale van hoë gehalte, en verseker doeltreffende en stabiele lugvloei, terwyl dit aansienlike energiebesparing en lae geraasvlakke lewer. Die EC143, wat geskik is vir skoonkamers, laboratoriums, hospitaaloperasiesale en werkswinkels vir voedselverwerking, bied 'n betroubare en veelsydige oplossing vir die handhawing van binnenshuise lugheid en gemak.
The DSX-EC145 EC-Centrifugal Fan is an innovative ventilation solution designed to deliver high-volume airflow with minimal energy consumption and noise. Its centrifugal design ensures efficient air movement, making it suitable for a wide range of ventilation and cooling applications in industrial, commercial, and residential settings.
The EC-190 fan is a centrifugal fan equipped with an Electrical Commutation (EC) motor, which is a brushless DC outer rotor motor. It combines the advantages of high intelligence, high energy efficiency, long lifespan, low vibration, and low noise, ensuring continuous and uninterrupted operation.
The EC195-2(DSX-EC195H136N8P1A-2) EC Blower is a premium ventilation solution that sets the benchmark for efficiency, reliability, and versatility. Combining robust construction with cutting-edge EC motor technology, this blower offers unparalleled performance for a wide range of applications, including industrial, commercial, and HVAC systems. With its advanced features and user-friendly controls, the EC195-2 is designed to meet the demanding ventilation needs of modern spaces.
Introducing the DSX-EC155(DSX-EC155H176N8P1A-2) EC-Centrifugal Blower Fan, a cutting-edge ventilation solution designed to deliver high-volume airflow with minimal energy consumption and noise. Engineered for versatility and efficiency, this fan is perfect for a wide range of applications, including industrial, commercial, and residential settings. With its advanced EC motor, centrifugal design, and robust construction, the DSX-EC155 stands out as a reliable and cost-effective ventilation solution.
The DSX-EC200 blower fan, powered by advanced EC motor technology, is a high-performance ventilation solution designed for various industrial, commercial, and HVAC systems. With its efficient energy conversion, low noise, and stable airflow output, the EC200 is an ideal choice for applications such as data centers, server rooms, factories, warehouses, shopping malls, hospitals, and purification ventilation equipment like air shower rooms.
The DSX-EC239 EC Blower Fan represents the cutting edge in ventilation technology, leveraging advanced EC motor technology to deliver efficient energy conversion and reduced energy consumption. Designed for versatility and reliability, this fan is perfect for a wide range of applications, including grain warehouses, data centers, server rooms, factories, and more. With its sophisticated control system and high-performance DC brushless motor, the DSX-EC239 ensures smooth, consistent airflow and minimal maintenance.